There isn’t a material or size that Preciball can’t carry. Here is a list of the many other materials that we keep in regular stock. Don’t see what you need? We love a challenge! Call us and we can guarantee we will do our best to provide it for you.
- Ceramics: Silicon Nitride, Alumina Oxide, & Zirconia Oxide
- ThermoPlastics: Torlon, Nylon, Delrin, Polypropylene, Polyacetal
- Thermoset Plastics: Phenolic, Acrylic, Epoxy Glass, Teflon
- K-Monel & R-Monel
- M50
- Aluminum
- Brass & Aluminum Bronze
- Super Alloys: Hastalloy, Stellite Star 2 Cobalt, & Inconel
- Pure Silica
- Precious Metals: Gold, Platinum, & Tantalum

Every customer.
Bigger. Smaller. In between. We treat every customer like we'd want to be treated.
Every order.
A few or a few thousand. Every order impacts your production. And we want to keep you producing.
Every time.
We don't take a day—or an order—off. Your expectations are high; ours are even higher.